Fortbildung für Sportlehrer im Kreis Viersen -> Schulung für Trainer im Kreis Viersen


Fortbildung für Sportlehrer im Kreis Viersen -> Schulung für Trainer im Kreis Viersen

Der Kreis Viersen bietet eine wichtige Fortbildung für Sportlehrer an, um ihre Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse im Bereich des Sports zu erweitern. Die Schulung für Trainer richtet sich an alle Sportlehrer, die im Kreis Viersen tätig sind und sich weiterbilden möchten. Ziel der Fortbildung ist es, die Qualität der Sportausbildung im Kreis Viersen zu verbessern und die Sportlehrer mit aktuellen Methoden und Konzepten auszustatten. Durch diese Maßnahme möchte der Kreis Viersen den Sportnachwuchs im Kreis fördern und die sportliche Entwicklung der Jugendlichen unterstützen.

Fortbildung für Sportlehrer im Kreis Viersen: Schulungen für Trainer und Betreuungspersonen

Increasingly, school children are having difficulties with riding a bike or getting out of breath quickly during sports activities. The results of the annual sports check conducted by the Kreis Viersen and the Kreissportbund in primary schools confirm the declining motor skills of primary school children. To counteract this trend, 25 sports teachers and caregivers from the Open All-Day Program (OGS) are participating in four advanced training sessions in the Bongert gym in Kempen.

Ziel der Fortbildung: The focus of the training is on general motor education for children, which includes learning various sports movements that are beneficial for both mental and physical development.

Experts from the school and sports association sectors will present exercises and games from areas such as running, jumping, throwing, gymnastics, body awareness, coordination, and strength training. The value of the training, which the participating teachers are conducting during their free time, lies in the fact that through accentuated sports education in school sports, all children of a year group in the classes can be reached, and furthermore, the opportunity exists to take up the content in the OGS as well, according to the Kreis Viersen.

Schulung für Sportlehrer im Kreis Viersen: Motorische Grundfertigkeiten von Grundschulkindern in den Blick nehmen

Schulung für Sportlehrer im Kreis Viersen: Motorische Grundfertigkeiten von Grundschulkindern in den Blick nehmen

The Kreis Viersen is offering this training for the first time this year, which is not a matter of course, as so far only schools in the immediate vicinity of the NRW sports schools have benefited from this concept. The fact that this concept can be offered as part of a teacher training in the Kreis Viersen is thanks to the commitment of many actors who made the implementation possible, says the Kreis.

The idea came from Paul Guhs, a volunteer employee of the State Sports Association, and was organized by Christiane Prill, a primary school teacher and advisor for school sports in the Kreis Viersen. The Kreissportbund Viersen recruited OGS staff for the training, which was also made possible by the School Authority of the Kreis Viersen, which sees the training as a further development of the Sport-Check project in primary schools and therefore provided advisory and financial support.

The Kreis Viersen also sees the possibility of offering the training next year under the leadership of the Kreisvolkshochschule for OGS staff in the municipalities, thereby promoting general motor skills in a targeted manner in the context of after-school care.

Udo Schmid

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